Champion of talent for over 2 decades and Owner of, Nancy is the top tier No-nonsense Voiceover & Branding Coach, Demo Producer, and e-Casting Liaison on our global scene today.
Beyond training VOX UK, Audie, One Voice, SOVA, NAB, Golden Pencil, and Clio Award winning talents and many Audible Hall of Famers, she casts loads of her UK VO graduates on jobs that help finance their journey.
Her university accredited and industry-proven coursework cracks the code for everyone from beginning voice talent to celebrities to thousands of working pros who modernize their reads and expand their reach with inside tips from Nancy's years as a Hollywood talent agent.
Clients include the voice of Siri, a US Circuit Judge, a blood splatter analyst, BBC alumni, two sex therapists, Henson’s top puppeteers, parents, pet trainers, and people just like you.
Nancy is also the Go-To Cyber Casting Director, facilitating auditions daily for her buyer and talent agent colleagues.
The only VO coach whose full-time career focuses exclusively on advancing YOURS.